The management of distance education: a process towards quality with the use of technology




educational management, distance education, technology, planning, teaching


Currently, educational institutions are faced with great changes, information and communication technologies have become present and have generated an unexpected evolution in all areas of society directly influencing the educational context. This situation has caused a change in the perspective of education, since faces a globalized world that demands prepared individuals for diversity and adaptation to new scenarios. New possibilities arise, among them, distance education as well such as the integration of new media into teaching, that generate changes in the administration procedures of financial, material and human resources. It is at this point where
The management of education becomes essential to strengthen the new educational projects based on analysis, organization and
planning of the processes immersed in this area, with a new vision of administration, media management and the inclusion of the needs of individuals for their development in the society.


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Author Biography

Sandra Guadalupe Altamirano Galván, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Doctor in Education, with a Master of Science in Communication and a Bachelor of Visual Arts with accentuation in Graphic Arts, graduated from the UANL. Author of the Book Corporate Identity, an introduction, by Trillas Publishing House. Full Time Research Professor at the FAV UANL. Specialist in various areas of design, such as corporate and editorial identity. Evaluator and Member of the Architecture Ruling Commission, Design and Urban Planning of the CIEES. she was part of the EGEL-DISEG Technical Council, CENEVAL, and has been a judge in various design competitions at the local level and national. She was Coordinator of the Planning Department and Strategic Projects, Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design and Internal Liaison Coordinator. Taught Editorial Design and Identity Design classes at the Bachelor's degree, as well as Project Management and Sustainable Design in Postgraduate Studies. It belongs to the National System of Researchers. He directs the Editorial Department at FAV UANL. Creator of Research Channel: Hello! Everything is Design, on various platforms digital like YouTube and Instagram.


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How to Cite

Altamirano Galván, S. G. (2023). The management of distance education: a process towards quality with the use of technology. Paradigma Creativo, 4(1), 34–47.