Depression levels of the education students superior as conditions of school dropout


  • Martha Paola Garay Mendoza Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml



college dropout, mental illness, tutoring, depression, students, psychiatry


The mental illnesses of the 21st century considered as those of the first place and caused; most of the time due to context socioeconomic, invade the future of young students, plunging them into moments of delirium and despair, are undoubtedly a fresh topic to base an investigation, which gives us as the result was a watershed to correctly decipher the path that university professors should take, in addition to being attentive to the red lights, to guide at all times the stay inside the university of students and thus avoid school desertion. The creativity of writers, actors and musicians, among others, “has been associated with affective or emotional symptoms.” The continuous exposure to these situations can generate a greater risk of consumption of substances; in other cases addictions may be influenced by factors such as work and social pressure, which generally causes anxiety, or “because they are involved from a young age in the abuse of substances”. However, they are increasingly the majority of the population. The one who is being affected by this type of disorders colloquially called “madness” regardless of socioeconomic level and cultural, affecting the lives of people, and that without proper attention unfortunately end up giving up functional life they had and gaining a deficit of integral life.


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Author Biography

Martha Paola Garay Mendoza, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Pianist, soloist and tenured professor at the Faculty of Music of the U.A.N.L. With a Master's Degree in Education at EDEC de Monterrey, and member of the Organizing Committee of the Young Virtuosos Contest of the Faculty of Music held every year; on some other occasions at the International Festival and Piano Masterclass by the general director Antonina Dragan.
She teaches Piano at the Technical and Graduate level: Chamber Music, Artistic Accompaniment and Coordinator of the Accompanying Pianists Area. He also belongs to the Academic Corps of Education for Music. Creditor of the desirable profile of PRODEP Program for the Professional Development of Teachers, since 2018.
On January 31, 2019, he published his first book "Musical piano teaching strategies for the development of cognitive abilities", with Editorial T&R. On December 28, 2020, she published her second book “The dark side of a Pianist” with Editorial T&R.


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How to Cite

Garay Mendoza, M. P. (2022). Depression levels of the education students superior as conditions of school dropout. Paradigma Creativo, 3(1), 20–29.