Digital platforms: a sustainable distance education alternative


  • Mayra Virginia Ruiz Caballero Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml



education, digital platform, environment, sustainability


The environmental problems that have been going on for some years have been the subject of discussion by bodies dedicated to the study of the environment. We can say that they are caused by their inhabitants and the different activities they carry out inside their homes, jobs, recreational places, schools and almost all means of transport. All this has a strong environmental impact. This chapter presents a brief description of how distance education has an impact as a sustainable medium on societies, their economy and the environment. Based on the Sustainability Model in its three principles: Society, Economy and Environment. The use of information technologies has greatly enabled new forms of distance communication, data storage and reproduction of information, allowing economic, social, scientific, pedagogical and cultural changes, which has contributed to new forms of teaching at all levels.


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Author Biography

Mayra Virginia Ruiz Caballero, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Graduate in Visual Arts at the UANL from 1988-1992, Postgraduate in Graphic Design with Orientation in Creative Direction from 2015- 2017. She has worked for ITESM in the Virtual University, performing
as a designer for the courses taught in said University, as well as at Tec Milenio providing services
as a remote designer until 2005. She worked in the Department of Continuing Education for the Faculty of Engineering Civilian of the UANL, carrying out administration activities and project management. She works as a freelance designer. Liaison Coordinator at LABNL Cultural Laboratory Citizen of the Ministry of Culture of the Government of New Lion. Documentation Coordinator at LABNL in Conarte.  She stood out in his master's studies by obtaining the highest average high. Pioneer in the design of didactic support for education to distance at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, has experience professional in quality service, cultural management and decision-making decisions.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Caballero, M. V. (2023). Digital platforms: a sustainable distance education alternative. Paradigma Creativo, 4(1), 80–97.